The AiGüesToRTes
i esTANY de sANT MAURici
The only National park
in catalonia
The Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant
Maurici National Park is the only na-
tional park in Catalonia and can be
found in the heart of the Lleida Pyre-
nees, in the comarques of El Pallars
Jussà, El Pallars Sobirà, L’Alta Riba-
gorça and La Val d’Aran. Fir and pine
forests, alpine meadows and scree,
peaks reaching altitudes of around
3,000 metres, animals such as the
chamois, grouse, marmot and bear-
ded vulture, a multitude of streams
and 200 pools make this a majestic
and highly authentic high-mountain
landscape. The best walking routes
to discover the park include the Camí
dels Enamorats (Lovers Trail), the
Roca de la Cremada (Rock of the
Burned), the Estany Llong (Long
Pool) and the Tomb a l’Estany de
Sant Maurici pel Mirador i Amitges
(Walk round the Sant Maurici Pool
from the Vantage Point and Amitges).
As well as the more rugged trails,
the park also has adapted spaces
that are accessible for people with
reduced mobility or physical han-
dicaps. There is also the possibility
to do routes with an expert guide.
casa del parc
Nacional d’espot
T. +34 973 624 036
casa del parc
Nacional de Boí
T. +34 973 696 189
centre d’informació
de llessui
T. +34 973 621 798
centre d’informació
de senet
T. +34 973 698 232
Jordi Bas
one of the best places
in the world from which
to observe the sky
Between the comarques (local dis-
tricts) of La Noguera and El Pallars
Jussà there is a 40 km long limestone
massif covering an area of almost
20,000 hectares.
This is an area of transition betwe-
en the mountains and the plain and
between the Pyrenees and the Lands
of Lleida. Here, the rivers have car-
ved out spectacular gorges and have
created three great Montsecs (dry
mountains): Montsec d’Ares, Mont-
sec de Rúbies and Montsec d’Estall.
This location presents a series of
unique night-sky qualities which, in
combination with the existence of
the Astronomic Park, have led it to
be recognised as a UNESCO Starlight
Reserve and Touristic Destination, a
distinction of quality which is awar-
ded to places judged to be ideal for ac-
tivities associated with the night-time
environment and the observation of
the firmament. Montsec is the sixth
place in the world to have received
recognition as a Starlight Touristic
Destination and only the third to have
been designated a Starlight Reserve;
this shows that it is a place where we
can enjoy the sky in it is purest state.
parc Astronòmic
Centre d’Observació
de l’Univers. Àger
T. +34 973 455 246