The Patronat de Turisme of the Diputació de Lleida announces the 35th International “Pica d’Estats” Awards for Press, Radio, Television and Digital Media with awards totalling 48,000 euros, in 8 categories.

The “Pica d’Estats” Awards are aimed at information and communication professionals who have published or broadcast journalistic work in any genre or format (radio, television, press and digital media) about the attractions of the Pyrenees and the Lands of Lleida. All works produced and published between 1 October 2023 and 30 September 2024 are eligible for the 35th edition of the award.

The “Pica d’Estats” Awards are annual awards created by the Patronat de Turisme of the Diputació de Lleida to recognise the work of journalists and content creators that help disseminate, promote and publicise worldwide the natural, heritage and cultural resources of the Pyrenees and the Lands of Lleida that inspire travel to the destination and support the tourism industry as one of the territory’s most important economic sectors.

The “Pica d’Estats” is renowned for both the quality of the work submitted and the standing of the jury members, as well as the rigour and commitment of the Association of Catalan Journalists, who have chaired the jury over the event’s extensive history.

ENTRY · 1–31 October 2024 (inclusive)


Download the registration form

Once downloaded, it must be signed with a valid digital certificate.

If submitted by certified mail or in person, the signature must be handwritten.

The name on the entry form must match exactly the name on the identity card (DNI) or document of the entrant.

Download authorization

Once downloaded, it must be signed with a valid digital certificate.

If submitted by certified mail or in person, the signature must be handwritten.




Upload the documents here

Via the electronic office

  • Registration form
  • Representation authorization (for more than one author)
  • Tax residence certificate (for foreigners)

Upload your work here
Via our file upload system

Certified mail

Send your registration form, your work or works and a photocopy of your ID to:

Premi Pica d’Estats
Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Lleida
Rambla Ferran, 18, 3r, 25007 Lleida

In person

The registration form and work/s must be presented to the following address: Patronat de Turisme de Lleida, Rambla Ferran, 18, 3º, 25007 Lleida. It is necessary to provide a photocopy of your ID.

Video Tutorial

View this video tutorial, which will explain the entire process to follow in order to register for this edition of the Premi Pica d'Estats.

INFORMATION. For further information on the entry process, call +34 973245408




The Patronat de Turisme of the Diputació de Lleida announces the 35th International “Pica d’Estats” Awards for Press, Radio, Television and Digital Media with awards totalling 48,000 euros, in 8 categories.

The “Pica d’Estats” is aimed at information and communication professionals who have published or broadcast journalistic work in any genre or format (radio, television, press and digital media) about the attractions of the Pyrenees and the Lands of Lleida.

The “Pica d’Estats” is renowned for both the quality of the work submitted and the standing of the members of the jury, as well as the rigour and commitment of the Catalonia Journalists’ Association, who have chaired the jury over the event’s extensive history.


The beneficiary of the award is the author or authors of the winning work, irrespective of the person, company or institution submitting the entry. The same author may submit entries for more than one category. The same piece of work cannot be entered for more than one category, except for the categories of photography, best journalism article and best transmedia entry.


All work produced and published between 1 October 2023 and 30 September 2024 is eligible.


Awards total 48,000 euros distributed in 8 categories, according to the support used, 6,000 euros being awarded to the winning entry in each of the following categories:

  1. Best article in printed and/or digital press. The quality of writing will be assessed.
  2. Best radio item: radio programme or podcast.
  3. Best audiovisual item: programmes broadcast on TV or via streaming platforms.
  4. Best report in printed and/or digital press. The report will be assessed, taking the text and photographs into account.
  5. Best photographic report: photographs published in mainstream or specialised press, printed or digital.
  6. Best work published in local media. All work published using any support in media in the Lands of Lleida is eligible.
  7. Best international press entry. All work published or broadcast abroad in any language, using any support, is eligible.
  8. Best transmedia entry. The award is for work consisting of publications using more than one medium or channel, giving priority to online publications. Preference will be given to reports combining different formats and languages, with a combined communication strategy in which social media play a significant role.


The registration form and the work entered must be submitted by the author(s), or by any individual or entity authorised by the author(s), from 1 October to 31 October 2024, both inclusive.

Submission of entries

The registration form can be submitted in physical or digital format.

  • The paper version can be downloaded and printed from the corporate website www.aralleida.cat.
  • Entries in digital format must be submitted via the Patronat de Turisme of the Diputació de Lleida electronic site at the following address: premispicadestats.diputaciolleida.cat.

The registration form must be duly signed (manually on paper or with a digital signature if you are using the online version) and submitted with the work entered to the Patronat de Turisme of the Diputació de Lleida register:

  • In person: at Rambla de Ferran, 18 (3rd floor), 25007 Lleida.
  • Electronically: to premispicadestats.diputaciolleida.cat. In this case, an application must be submitted for each piece of work.
  • It must be sent by registered post to: Premi “Pica d’Estats” / Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Lleida / Rambla de Ferran, 18, 3r, 25007, Lleida.
  • Entries may also be registered using any of the other methods envisaged in Article 16 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the common administrative procedure of public administrations.


For articles published in printed media, the publication in which the article appeared or a PDF file should be submitted.

For articles published in digital media, a PDF file or a link to the article should be provided.

For radio broadcasts, podcasts and audiovisuals, a recording of the programme should be provided or a link to the content if it is available online via a streaming platform. In the case of news programmes, the author should select three programmes as they were broadcast.

Photographs must be submitted with a minimum of QHD (1440p) resolution.

In the transmedia category, published items must be submitted in the formats specified above. For publications on social media, a link to the content must be provided.

If the person submitting the entry is not the author, the following documents must be presented for the entry to be accepted, using the form provided by the Patronat de Turisme of the Diputació de Lleida, duly signed by the author: a form nominating a representative to carry out procedures on the author’s behalf in connection with the 35th “Pica d’Estats” Awards, a responsible declaration and documentation concerning the protection of the author’s data, together with photocopies of a document accrediting the author’s identity and another accrediting that of the representative.


The jury will consist of recognised professionals from the world of information and communication, appointed on the recommendation of the President of the Patronat Intercomarcal de Turisme de les Terres de Lleida. The jury will convene in Lleida on Saturday 8 February 2025.


The jury for the 34th “Pica d’Estats” Awards consisted of leading professionals from the world of communication. The President of the Catalonia Journalists’ Association in Lleida, Laura Alcalde, chaired the jury, delegated by the Dean of the Catalonia Journalists’ Association, Joan Maria Morros. The journalists Francesc Canosa, Noelia Casellas, Josep Cuní, Pepa Fernández, Lluís Foix, Francesc Guillaumet, Anna Sàez, Mariano Palacín and Mònica Terribas were members of the jury. The Director of the Patronat de Turisme of the Diputació de Lleida, Juli Alegre, was Secretary of the jury.