Alt Pirineu (High Pyrenees) Natural Park

This is the largest protected natural space in Catalonia, with a total surface area of almost 80,000 ha. It lies beneath the summit of the highest peak in the Catalan Pyrenees: the Pica d’Estats (3,143 m). The majority of the park is in El Pallars Sobirà, with the other part in L’Alt Urgell.

In areas that include high-mountain pools and glaciers, you will find some of the most precious and sought-after species in the region, such as the wood grouse (this is the greatest population on the Iberian Peninsula), the golden eagle and the bearded vulture. In the open spaces of the alpine area, it is possible to highlight species such as the ptarmigan, the white-winged snowfinch and the wallcreeper. In the high-mountain woodlands, as well as the wood grouse, relevant species include Tengmalm’s owl, the Eurasian woodcock and the Eurasian treecreeper.

It is recommendable to visit the offices and information points at the park before entering the natural space, as it is not always easy to circulate by motor vehicle. The main park office, known as El Paller de l’Antonet, is at Llavorsí. There, you can ask for all types of information about the area: itineraries, routes, centres of interpretation, etc.

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Alt Pirineu (High Pyrenees) Natural Park