Mont-rebei and La Terreta

Descending in altitude, with summits now under 1,700 m, the Serra del Montsec is the great massif of the central Pre-Pyrenees. Although this massif is separated into two large masses by the Congost de Terradets gorge: El Montsec de Rúbies, to the east, and El Montsec d'Ares, to the west, the whole block is considered as a single unit. Administratively, its western limit is the River Noguera Ribagorçana, although the natural space is, in fact, shared with La Llitera and La Ribagorça in the area known as La Franja de Ponent.

In this area, we would choose the Congost de Mont-rebei and La Terreta for bird watching. This location, with 500-metre vertical cliffs that rise above the river, is also one of the places of greatest scenic value in the area. The gorge is an immense canyon which has been carved out by the River Noguera Ribagorçana. The vertical walls end, to the south, in a wide space marked by cliffs and Mediterranean vegetation. 

Walking through the gorge, following a path cut out of the rock itself, provides access to the cliffs where the most characteristic Pyrenean rock-dwelling birds live. These include raptors and the red-billed jackdaw, the rock tern, the wallcreeper and the common rock thrush. Unlike at other locations, the route through the Congost de Mont-rebei must be followed on foot, as it runs along a narrow path cut out of the rock face.  

As previously stated, these canyons lead to an open space with predominantly Mediterranean vegetation, known as La Terreta. This is located in the municipality of Tremp, in El Pallars Jussà. With over 300 km2 and more than 30 small, rural nuclei, this is an ideal location for observing species ranging from vultures to most of the local varieties of woodpecker, as well as the Western Bonneli’s warbler, the blue rock thrush and the meridian grey shrike. Here, Mediterranean habitats intersperse with oak woodlands, Scots pine forests and, in sunnier places, holm oak groves.

To learn how best to visit this territory, it is a good idea to make contact with, or go to, La Masieta de Mont-rebei. This building belongs to the Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera and can be found at Sant Esteve de la Sarga. Another alternative is to contract one of the excellent ornithological tourism guides and/or to hire one of the hides for bird photographers.

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Mont-rebei and La Terreta