Legal notice

Use of the website and the Diputació de Lleida online office implies full and unreserved acceptance of the terms and conditions contained in this legal notice:

  • Online office consultation rights
  • Integrity, accuracy and content updates
  • Queries, complaints and suggestions
  • Management of technological applications and services
  • Privacy policy
  • Data on minors or disabilities
  • Communications security
  • Statistical data collection and use of cookies
  • Intellectual property
  • Applicable regulations


Online office consultation rights

The user agrees not to use this service for activities that may be considered illicit or illegal, that violate the rights of Diputació de Lleida or third parties or that infringe current regulations. Diputació de Lleida shall not be held liable for the use of information contained in this website by third parties, who must abide by the stipulations and warnings established for certain documents and applications.


Integrity, accuracy and content updates

Diputació de Lleida assumes responsibility for maintaining the integrity, accuracy and updates to the information and services available from its online office (the Seu electrònica, in Catalan).

At any time and without prior notice, Diputació de Lleida reserves the right to unilaterally modify the presentation, configuration and contents of the online office, as well as the services offered and the required conditions of use, in order to guarantee the quality of the information provided to its users.

The administrative information provided through this online office does not replace the legal publication of laws, general provisions and official decisions that must be formally published in the official gazettes and bulletins, which are the only instruments certifying their authenticity and content.

Diputació de Lleida will not be held liable for any information that obtained from links or sources outside this Authority.


Queries, complaints and suggestions

Diputació de Lleida provides users with a specific procedure for submitting queries, complaints and/or suggestions, accessible in the Contact section.


Management of technological applications and services

Diputació de Lleida will supervise and maintain the online office in such a way as to ensure its accessibility and usability in accordance with the rules established in this respect, guaranteeing the principle of technological neutrality, and facilitating general use of the online office by the public, as stipulated in Article 10.5 of Law 11/2007, of 22 June, on citizens’ electronic access to public services.

Diputació de Lleida will carry out corrective maintenance of the applications included in the online office and will put in place an internal procedure for planned actions and/or service stoppages due to unforeseen circumstances.

Diputació de Lleida will provide notice of planned actions and/or unexpected stoppages that cause interruptions to the ordinary operation of the office and services.


Privacy policy

Diputació de Lleida strictly complies with current legislation on the protection of personal data and adopts the legally required measures to protect the personal data it collects and maintain its privacy and confidentiality.

Communication with users is carried out in a secure environment (closed padlock icon in the website URL) to ensure confidentiality and privacy to the furthest extent possible. This environment allows encryption of information transmitted between users and Diputació de Lleida.

Diputació de Lleida is responsible for the data collected in its forms. When acting as a data processor on behalf of a local authority or any other body, the data controller must be indicated. Detailed information on data processing should be included in the same form (purpose of processing, transfer to third parties, storage period, etc.).

The data protection officer mailbox ( is available to you for any queries or complaints about the privacy and protection of your data.

Although this channel will provide you with the right answer, you can also file your complaint on the website of the Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT).

When the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, it will be stored in accordance with Diputació de Lleida’s document management and archiving instructions.

You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure and portability of your data, and objection to and restriction of its processing, through the online office, in person or by post at the records offices.


Data on minors or disabilities

This website is not intended to provide services to minors or to collect their data.

If a user is legally incapacitated by judicial ruling, this fact must be made known and appropriate authorisation must be provided for the processing of their personal data.


Communications security

Diputació de Lleida adopts the necessary measures and mechanisms to ensure the security of communications and transactions conducted through its online office, according to the state of the art and the type of transactions and services made available to users. Diputació de Lleida does not guarantee that the online office and server are free of viruses and will not be held liable for any damage that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone faults or disconnections in the operation of this electronic system, due to causes beyond the control of Diputació de Lleida, delays or blockages in the use of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or overload in telephone lines or overload in the Internet or other electronic systems, or for damage that may be caused by third parties through unlawful interference beyond the control of Diputació de Lleida.


Intellectual property

This online office and all its contents, including texts, images, sounds, databases, codes and any other material, are the property of Diputació de Lleida and its related bodies, or third parties who have authorised the use of this content by Diputació de Lleida. All such material is protected by intellectual property law. The owners reserve the right to take appropriate legal action to repair any damage  caused by any action that infringes the intellectual property rights of this content.

Total or partial reproduction of the content of the online office is prohibited without requesting authorisation.


Applicable regulations

Any dispute regarding this online office will be governed exclusively by the law of the Spanish State and the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, with the courts of Lleida having sole jurisdiction. All users of the online office, regardless of the territorial jurisdiction from where it is accessed, agree to comply with and respect this clause, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled.


© Diputació de Lleida, 2021. All rights reserved.