High-level olive oils
The Pyrenees are always evocative, and comarques (local districts) like El Pallars Jussà are easily associated with a thousand and one enticing images, which often make us forget that, historically speaking, many parts of the Pyrenees have been, and indeed still are, cultivated, agricultural and man-modified mountain areas. In El Pallars Jussà, artisanal food products, gastronomy, wine and quality olive oil are all the order of the day. In El Pallars, everything is high-level, and the olive oils are no exception.
The area’s olive oil tourism is still in its infancy, but it includes such interesting proposals as workshops and guided visits, combined with the discovery of high-level gastronomy and wines, hiking and natural and architectural heritage. This is something that adds to, and indeed complements, other recognised local attractions, which include: the Aigüestortes National Park, the Congost de Mont-rebei gorge, the Geopark-Dinosaur Site, the Museum Shops of Salàs, and the Castle of Mur.
El Pallars Jussà is a land which stands at the foot of the Pyrenees, but which also speaks to us of rurality and of agricultural landscapes that, over the centuries, have tried to tame and shape the wild mountains. The olive has also been important here and still has an important presence, even today.