The Picasso Route
In the spring of 1906, Picasso and Fernande Olivier travelled from Barcelona to Guardiola de Berguedà by steam train. However, the only way to continue on to Gósol from Guardiola was by mule along the camí ral, or "royal trail", a packhorse trail from medieval times, as there was no dirt or paved road. In fact, the first automobile wouldn't arrive in the Gósol town square until 1942.
The royal trails and an old coal road cover the 29 kilometres of valleys that separate Guardiola from Gósol, crossing the Fangassos pass, Cal Susèn, the Saldes valley, Feners and L'Espà, among other places. We are at the halfway point. At the end of July, when the artist left Gósol for La Cerdanya, he passed through the Gosolans pass, again on a mule. The Picasso Route spans 59 km, from Guardiola de Berguedà–Gósol to Bellver de Cerdanya.
In Gósol, we recommend taking a short 2-km stroll through the very streets that inspired Picasso. As you walk, listen to an audioguide filled with anecdotes from the townspeople, offering a glimpse into the life of the artistic genius.
The Picasso Route, combined with a visit to the Picasso Centre in Gósol, is a total immersion experience of the painter's stay in Gósol.
For further information: Tourism Office of Gósol