The wine route
Wine, gastronomy and landscapes
From north to south, this route runs through the municipalities where wines of the Costers del Segre Designation of Origin are produced. This area extends from the mountains of El Pallars Sobirà to the fields of El Segrià and Les Garrigues, passing through La Noguera, L’Urgell and El Pla d’Urgell along the way. By discovering the culture of wine, you will also learn to understand these lands even better. This is a walk through the gastronomy, culture and geography of Lleida, with its wineries as the central theme and one which will take you to the main attractions and monuments in each area and which will also allow you to enjoy a number of complementary activities. The route includes a selection of restaurants which represent the cuisine of Lleida and which are as varied as the territory itself.
Broken down into seven subzones, the DO Costers del Segre includes the following wineries:
Subzone of Artesa de Segre: Celler del Montsec, Vinya l’Hereu de Seró, Vall de Baldomar, Agropecuària les Pletes, Mas Ramoneda.
Subzone of Noguera Baixa: Bodegas Costers del Sió, Celler La Figuera, Celler Casa Patau, Castell del Remei.
Subzone of Urgell: Castell del Remei.
Subzone of Garrigues: Cérvoles Celler, Clos Pons, Mas Blanch i Jové, Tomàs Cusiné, Vinya els Vilars i Celler Matallonga.
Subzone of Pallars: Bodegues Vila Corona, Castell d’Encús, Sauvella, Celler Batlliu de Sort, Mas Garcia Muret.
Subzone of Raïmat: Raïmat (Grup Codorniu).
Subzone of Segrià: Torres de Sanuii LaGravera.
Subzone of Valls del riu Corb: Carviresa, Monestir del Tallat, Casa Pardet, La Planeta Comalats, L’Olivera, Celler Cercavins, Analec, Cal Cabo Celler, Mas de Mora, Petit Duran.