Spring activities > Cultural activities
Thousands of cultural activities in April
In April, and also in May and June… the arrival of spring, and of good weather, also implies the reactivation of cultural activity and, in particular, that celebrated out in the open. There is a notable increase in the number of guided visits at this time of year, as well as an extension of the opening hours. This leaves more time for discovering the monumental heritage, villages, towns and cities of Lleida, and also the region’s many museum spaces (with one particularly special date for this being 18th May: International Museum Day).
It is in these months that open-air fairs also start to proliferate, as do historical reenactments and those of legends, music concerts (such as the renowned Espurnes Barroques festival) and gatherings of sardana (Catalan folk dance) dancers.
Spring hosts some of the most popular and traditional festivals of the year, including that dedicated to Sant Jordi (Saint George), and Holy Week, which is a period in which the territory becomes a flood of processions, gatherings, caramelles (religious songs) and other religious activities. The Passion of Christ of Cervera deserves its own special mention; more than 300 secondary actors take part in this truly unique spectacle.
These traditional proposals coexist with others of a more avant-garde nature, such as the highly original Festival of Murals and Rural Art of Penelles.
Young children can also have great fun and enjoy cultural events like the Puppet Fair of Lleida, which attracts around thirty different shows staged by national and international theatre companies.
Lleida’s spring then gives way to summer, which is greeted through one of the most spectacular of age-old celebrations that can be imagined: the falles. They form part of an ancestral festival that will fill the nights of the Pyrenees with fire and magic.
– Open-air fairs
– Popular festivals
– Concerts
– Falles